Play Omaha Hi/Lo Online Poker At Ignition Casino

Texas Hold’em is widely considered to be the GOAT of online poker games. It’s a classic staple, a timeless original. But variety is the spice of life, right? We definitely think so – and it rings especially true when you play online poker. Sometimes, you just need to shake things up. Sound like something you’d be into? Sweet as. Liven up your rotation and play online poker a little differently with some rounds of Omaha Hi/Lo. When you play Omaha poker, you’ll get all the thrill and less predictability. 

What is Omaha Hi/Lo Online Poker?

When you play Omaha Hi/Lo online, you’re a winner even if you’re a loser. Sound confusing? Let us explain. This game rewards both the best and the worst poker hand, hence the name “Hi/Lo.” The key thing you’ll want to remember is that the low hand splits the pot 50/50 with the best hand.

In Omaha Hi/Lo online, the low hand doesn’t consist of the best cards, but of cards with low ranks. So, straights and flushes? You can forget ‘em because they’re not recognised when going for a low hand. If you get super lucky, your hand could win you both the high and low halves of the jackpot. For example, a hand like A2345 could help you secure every last cent of the winnings. This sweet move is known as a “scoop.” Just remember: to qualify for a low hand, your five cards all need to have a rank of 8 or lower. So, if you’re one of those players who just can’t seem to draw high cards to save your life, Omaha Hi/Lo is the game for you.What is Omaha Hi/Lo Online Poker?

Omaha Hi/Lo v. Omaha v. Texas Hold’em

If you’ve been around the online poker block, you’ve definitely heard of Omaha Hi/Lo, Omaha, and Texas Hold’em. But you might still be wondering: what are the differences between these games? Well, wonder no more, mate. We’re here to give you the answers you’ve been looking for.

When you play Omaha poker Hi/Lo style, you’ll get four hole cards, two of which you’ll need to use in your final hand. The dealer will lay down five community cards, exactly like Texas Hold’em, but you’ll only use three of them. 

If you’re going to play Omaha poker, you’ll need to get used to pot limits, which cap bets at the amount of the pot. If one of your competitors has bet in a round, their bet gets added to the limit that you’re allowed to bet.

Another key difference between Omaha poker and Texas Hold’em is the fact that your high pairs aren’t really worth much. Omaha Hi/Lo online focuses mainly on big draws, nut draws in particular. Your fellow players will have heaps of hidden hole cards. That means that your chances of ending up in an action-packed showdown are much higher. We don’t know about you, but just the thought of it gets our hearts racing!

Strategy for Omaha Hi/Lo

When you play online poker of any kind, strategy is your best friend. It’s what gives you a better shot at taking home the jackpot. 

When it comes to Omaha Hi/Lo online, your best strategy is to play for the high hand while still keeping your options open for the low hand. So, for example, a premium starting hand would be an ace and another low card. With cards like this, you’ll have a sweet shot at winning the high (with a flush or a straight) and the low (given the cards’ small values). 

Because Omaha Hi/Lo is so unique, you need to adjust your pre-flop aggression and raising styles. Yep, we hate to break it to you, but your Texas Hold’em tactics won’t cut it here. Strategy for Omaha Hi/Lo

When you play Texas Hold’em, you’ll often see pre-flop raises with high cards. Not only do they take down little pots, but they also make players fork up for low percentage draws. But when you play Omaha poker, you’re going to see heaps of drawing players. What does that mean for you? You have lower odds of making them fold and higher chances of making your hands more expensive. Not a great combination, is it? When your opponents are limping along and you see a flop with some major draw potential – that’s when you want to strike. That’s when you raise to start weeding out your opponents.

Don’t forget the scare cards on the board. Let’s say it pairs and you find yourself without trips or a full house. If that’s the case, cut your losses. Sorry mate, but you don’t stand a chance in this kind of scenario. So, our advice is to get out as soon as you can. Sure, in Texas Hold’em, players with high pairs control most hands. But when you play Omaha poker, you’ll be relying heavily on nut draws. If you don’t keep that in mind, your game (and bankroll) will suffer!   

Finding Omaha Hi/Lo Tournaments

So, you’re keen to get in on the action, are you? Well, Ignition Casino is the perfect place to star. When you log into your Ignition Casino account, you’ll see a few sections at the top of the page. To find Omaha Hi/Lo online poker tournaments, click on the “Sit-and-Go Tournaments” or “Scheduled Tournaments” tab. Once redirected, have a look at the section on the right called “Card Game.” Make sure that only Omaha Hi/Lo is checked (this will filter out all other types of tournaments). From there, all you need to do is pick your tourney and get to playing!

So, c’mon, what are you waiting for? Head to the poker tables to start racking up your chips. We can’t wait to see you there, legend!