Having an online poker strategy is the key to helping you stay in the game longer


Having an online poker strategy is the key to helping you stay in the game longer, plus it’ll improve your poker game overall and help you some extra cash for your bankroll.



If you’re wondering how to play online poker, you might also want to know more about how you actually get to a table at our site. After you’re signed in at Ignition, there’s a lobby where you can pick what kind of game you want to play. Once you’ve chosen your game, you’ll be seated at a virtual table. At that point, how to play poker hands looks a lot like the games you might have played at home. There are other players seated around the table, and you’ll all get dealt some “hole” cards that only you can see. Rounds of betting will take place, and community cards will be dealt for all to see. There will be more rounds of betting until one player claims the “pot,” or central pool of chips that active players have bet during the hand. Once the pot is claimed, the hand is over and a new one begins. Ignition’s software will keep shuffling up and dealing 24/7 until you’ve had your fill.